Skin Health Score

What is my Skin Health Score?

Your skin health score will reveal your current home skincare routine's impact on your skin health

The result will help you understand if you need to improve your home skincare routine before looking at skin treatments for that younger, firmer-looking skin that you want.

Are you unsure if you need to spend more money on your skin care products to improve your skin health?

 If so, let's take the guesswork out of this and share your current skin care routine with me so you can discover if you are choosing the right skin care for your skin health. 

How to find the right skincare for me

Are you over 40 years old and starting to feel overwhelmed and lost with how to treat your skin as you age?

Has your skin started to change? 

If so, it's likely that your skin is in distress and your skin health is starting to show signs of ageing more than your age in years.

Do you want to step up your skin care routine and consider treatments but are unsure where to start? 

Have tried to make a few changes, but got confused with the different active ingredients and do not know whether they are right for your skin type?

This is a typical problem we all have, as we are too busy to do the research. When you ask a beauty therapist they give you some product recommendations and are helpful, but they use various terms and technical jargon that is beyond your comprehension.

The issue is that you want more than advice on skin conditions such as how to improve texture and dark circles, you want healthier skin and to understand the benefits of the products for the best results for your wrinkles and improve or maintain your skin tone rather than just another fancy face creams.

I understand your pain - you don't want to waste any time or money on something that just smells nice, you want something that does something to improve your skin health and will naturally help you improve your skin tone, texture and elasticity.

Take Skin Health Quiz

Take skin quiz to understand how best to slow down the effects of ageing -  and claim your copy of the FREE Ultimate Skin Health Guide

skin quiz image

What is my skin health?

Your skin health is vital to address ageing skin, especially on your face and neck, because our skin health determines how well the skin cells regenerate and metabolize the nutrients from the serums and creams you put on.

As your skin health is significantly influenced by the current; skin care products, nutrition, levels of anxiety and stress, over-the-counter drugs, and sleep patterns.

When our skin health is in distress, it shows up in the form of dryness, dull complexion, congestion and dark circles under the eyes.

As we age, this results in fine lines, wrinkles, and more signs of ageing.  

Understanding what ingredients are used in products can help you know how they can work for you.

To help you evaluate your present skin health, I've developed a simple assessment based on your current skin care regime and a few nutrition questions.

The good news is that if you know what impact your current skin care and nutrition are having on your skin, and you can identify the first steps to take to add in the essential ingredients required to improve it.

My skin health test results can help you identify how to move forward with your skin care routine or whether it's time to look at aesthetic skin treatments.

More importantly, once you read my Ultimate Skin Health Guide, you will understand how your lifestyle choices, stress levels, hormones, and habits affect your health and skin type.

So let's take the guesswork out of this and share with me more about your current skin care routine and nutrition rather than choosing your skin care based on just your skin type.

How do I improve my skin health age?

Most people seek my nutrition advice to improve their metabolic health and weight loss.

Without my advice they start new diets, count calories, deprive themselves of food, but more often they’re NOT considering that what they eat is impacting their skin health too.

Skin is the largest organ of your body and is a window to your overall health. There are so many clues to what is happening inside us, yet most of us keep searching for external solutions to solve a skin condition, forgetting that the quality of your skin can be an accurate indicator of declining health.

Your skin type can reveal clues about your health, so investing money in expensive active ingredients and skin creams if your metabolic health pathways are not functioning efficiently, can be a waste of time and effort - let alone money.

I’ve been working with clients like this for over 10 years with great success.

They’ve spent months, sometimes years, before coming to see me, looking in the mirror and seeing open pores, black heads, dark circles, and blemishes They never considered that these are clues that their body is not metabolically efficient.

They believe it was their skin type that has always been a blocker and the reason why they didn’t consider that their skin could be an indicator of their health and how their nutrition and lifestyle were impacting this - not just for acne or ageing but for every day health too.


It is your metabolic health - not your skin type!

The good news is that this can be resolved by making small changes in your nutrition and your skincare and by looking at the big picture of your overall health.

Clare came to see me, and it was evident that she had an oily complexion and large pores, and her skin was ageing quicker than she was.

Her main concern was a pocket of fat under her chin and jawline.

She wanted to lift her skin and commented that her skin is dehydrated no matter what she put on it or how much water she drank, yet looked oily!

This is a classic case often presented to me in the clinic.

We spoke about other health issues, and it was clear that her liver struggled to eliminate pollutants from the food and medications.

We worked together to improve her metabolic health and discovered a combination of dietary elements, such as a sugar overload from too many starchy foods and a lack of protein and absorption of nutrients from the food she ate, were the primary contributor factors to her oily skin - not her skin type!

Her chin fat vanished after only a few weeks, and her skin became balanced, hydrated, and dewy rather than oily in just a few weeks.

This was without changing any of her home skincare routine!

The best way to find the right skin care is to first identify your current skin health rather than focusing on your skin type. 

As a vital way to address ageing skin, acne skin or sensitive skin. Understanding how good your current skin health is will help you learn how to move forward and focus your attention on improving your skin cell membrane strength. 

As any skin condition is formed based on the quality of your skincare routine and the food you eat.

If the skin care products you choose contain ingredients that your skin cells do not recognize this will create an immune reaction that will impact your skin functions. 

To understand the effect of your current skin care products on your skin health take the skin quiz to discover your skin health course. 

Only take a few minutes and you can claim a free copy of the ultimate skin health guide. 

Take Quiz - Click here

Your metabolic health dictates the quality of your skin cell health and your immune system moderates how well your skin communicates with you.

This makes your skin cell very clever, but it can also get sluggish as we age.

At 18, our skin cell turnover is 25 days – but at 50, it can take up to 50+ days for the cells to refresh themselves!

This means that dull, older skin cells are visible on your skin for up to twice as long if we let them.

As from approx 30 years old your skin cells will start to need direction and motivation to mature through the skin cell life cycle. 

By 40 years, the natural rejuvenation of skin cell turnover will slow down, and this is the pinch point at which your skin cells need stimulation to mature and keep generating collagen and elastin. 

Without this rejuvenation, each skin cell will replicate based on the quality of the previous month's skin cells, therefore within 2-5 years, you will start to see a rapid decline in the quality of your skin. 

When your skin cells are maturing through the epidermal layers, they communicate via cytokines, growth factors, and with the support of other nutrients like peptides and minerals to regenerate.

Surrounding each skin cell is the extracellular matrix; this contains collagen, proteins, and fibroblasts and forms like a glue to hold all your skin cells together to create the barrier.

It's this glue function that declines as we age, and the communication between cells slows down and can be influenced by external factors, pick up bad habits and generally stick around for too long. 

With that in mind, skin cells like simple direction and support to mature through their life cycles. 

This is where your home skincare routine helps out.

Once you have mastered the actions to improve your skin health via your metabolic pathways, you can encourage your skin cell turnover to keep up the pace, and when presented with nutrients in your skincare be able to absorb and regenerate firmer healthier skin cells.

You can take the guesswork out of improving your skin health at home by assessing your current skin care routine and nutrition rather than choosing your next skin care product based on just your skin type.

When your skin health score is five or below, then it's likely that your skin cell membrane strength is struggling to renew which will impact the ability to absorb the nutrients from your nutrition and skincare.

If you score six or above your home skin care routine and nutrition is being effective so the focus is on improving skin cell turnover and creating collagen and elastin with aesthetic skin treatments.

Take skin test - click here

But please don't worry, once you complete the skin health test you can claim your free copy of my Ultimate Skin Health Guide which will give you all the advice and guidance you need to understand how your current nutrition and skincare is impacting your skin health and how to create a bespoke skincare routine that delivers firmer, stronger skin cells that result in younger glowing skin.

How does my nutrition affect my skin health?

As a nutritional therapist, I can not stress the importance of your blood sugar levels enough to your skin health.

Do you know what "balancing your blood sugars" means? You may have come across my article, which discusses the early warning signs of diabetes - Click Here 

When your liver and panaceas are constantly trying to find a balance based on a continuous consumption of excess carbohydrates, this alters the protein structures and enzyme reactions in your digestive system—setting off an entire chain of events that impact your skin health.

This creates advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). In time, these end-products make collagen rigid, meaning that it loses its ability to keep skin firm, and contributes to making us look older than we really are.

This creates a sticky plaque build-up in your skin, which ultimately becomes a solid heavy mass.

What starts as a dull, sagging complexion, over time, causes deep wrinkles, particularly on the forehead and chin.

The skin loses its elasticity, and it becomes almost impossible to reduce the appearance of pores!

This is not a skin type, this is a skin condition that has been formed over time – that occurs from years of imbalance of blood sugar levels and is reflected in your skin health.

What does the Skin Health Score result mean?

Let's take the guesswork out of how to improve your skin health and share with me more about your current skin care routine, as a result, you can choose your skin care based on just your skin type.

When your skin health score is five or below, then it's likely that your skin cell membrane strength is struggling to renew which will impact the ability to absorb the nutrients from your nutrition and skincare.

If you score five or above your home skin care routine is good so the focus should be on improving skin cell turnover and creating collagen and elastin with aesthetic skin treatments.

But please don't worry; once you complete the skin health test you can claim your free copy of my Ultimate Skin Health Guide which will give you all the advice and guidance you need to understand how your current nutrition and skincare are impacting your skin health and how to create a bespoke skincare routine that delivers firmer, stronger skin cells that result in younger glowing skin.

Functional Health Clinic

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