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Glycemic Load Calculator

How to work out glycemic load

This glycemic load calculator shows you the glycemic load for the most popular medium and high GL carbohydrates to help you understand the ideal portion size to maintain balance in your blood sugars.

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What Is Glycaemic Load

CARBOHYDRATES are the most complicated macronutrient. There are various different types, all providing 4kcal per 100 grams BUT each one affects your metabolic pathways in different ways.

There are various categories to identify them, Single Sugars are classed as HIGH GL foods, closely followed by Complex Strachy, which are mainly MEDIUM GL foods. LOW GL foods are Leafy Vegetables which due to fibre, plant-based proteins and micronutrients do NOT raise your blood sugars, and therefore will only add value to your metabolic health. 

What Is A Glucose Load Calculator?

The Glucose Load Calculator is a great tool to help you determine the GL of foods based on their macronutrient content. The calculator works by taking into account the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat in each food item, and assigning it a GL score.

This can be particularly helpful when deciding which specific foods are best suited to your dietary needs. The calculator also allows you to adjust the serving size of foods in order to get a more accurate GL score, as many food items can have different GL scores depending on their portion size.

Finally, the calculator also has various options for customizing the calculation according to your specific dietary requirements and preferences. This enables you to make sure that each food item is assigned an appropriate GL score based on your individual dietary needs.

It is important to remember that, while the Glucose Load Calculator can provide a good guideline, it should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice and regular monitoring of your blood sugar levels if you are diabetic or have any other health conditions.

By understanding how to calculate the GL of different foods and choosing those with low GL scores, you can ensure that your meals are providing you with the most beneficial nutrition for your health. This can help to improve your metabolic health and reduce the risk of developing any serious health conditions in the future.

Your blood sugars are influenced by more than just the food you eat, your metabolic pathways require a balance of hormones to deliver and store the energy. Our bodies like to give us clues as to which metabolic hormones are influencing fat storage. 

Do you store your body fat around your tummy? Would you describe yourself as an APPLE shaped? If so learn more about what you can do to reduce stubborn tummy fat by improving your metabolic health.


The more you have to CHEW the carbohydrate the slower the release of insulin to deliver the sugar into your cells for energy.

  1. How the food is prepared
  2. How the food is cooked
  3. What the food is eaten with
  4. The speed at which the food is consumed

Each blood sugar molecule delivers energy to all the various cells in your body. Individually they have different roles, but they all need to create MITOCHONDRIA which is the energy centre and life cycle of every cell in your body.

Glycemic Load is calculated by multiplying the net carbohydrate in 100g of the food by the glycemic index and then dividing by 100. 

This gives you the GL value of the food. Then multiply that number by the portion size of your carbohydrate and the result is the GL Value of that food. 

The higher the GLV the more it will raise your blood sugar, the lower the GLV the less impact it will have. 

Use the calculator to help you


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