Are you someone who is managing severe allergic reactions such as hay fever, food intolerance, and skin conditions on a daily basis?
Is the start of spring or summer a nightmare for you?
Does trying a new skincare product just create more allergic reactions than the results can potentially bring?
Are you exhausted from having to deal with so many different severe allergic reactions? If so, you may be interested to know that your poor metabolic health may be the root cause of your body’s immune system response to various allergens and pathogens.
Have you tried everything to relieve your allergic reactions but can’t work out why you are becoming more and more allergic to various things?
You may be suffering from so many severe allergic reactions due to increased intestinal permeability triggering an autoimmune response to harmful substances that enter the body, via either inhalation, through your skin or in your food.
It is more often assumed that when allergies occur it is a response triggered by a host of common factors such as chronic stress, dust mites, change of seasons, mental health issues, hormones and the everyday pressures of work or home life.
And whilst it’s true that these things can hold an influence over how and when your body reacts to certain allergens, the presence of so many allergies may in fact be a clue or symptoms of Intestinal Permeability, more commonly known as Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a condition that occurs when the spaces between our cells that make up the intestinal walls become larger than they should be, allowing all sorts of things (called allergens) to ‘leak’ out into our bloodstream that wouldn’t normally have access.
These can include toxins, bacteria, undigested food particles and other waste products that can cause our immune system to go into overdrive, as it now needs to deal with these foreign invaders.
With that in mind, if you have managed severe allergic reactions to various allergens for over two or more years with the use of over-the-counter medication, such as histamine tables, prescribed antibiotics medications and/or probiotics supplements, then your metabolic pathways are likely struggling to utilise the energy and absorb the nutrients from the food you eat and dispose of toxins found in food and skincare, properly due to increased intestinal permeability in your intestinal wall.
I’m Jen Adams, a functional personal nutritional therapist and my purpose is to teach those who want to learn how to improve their metabolic health for energy, vitality, and future wealth to better understand how their food and lifestyle choices affect every part of their life.
In this series of articles about the symptoms of poor metabolic healthAMP, you’ll understand the importance of how you feel and what you can see when you look in the mirror as contributory factors to your metabolic health.
Identifying your everyday symptoms as clues to various underlying systemic imbalances will help you to enhance your future metabolic health and prevent the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, autoimmune diseases, inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
Learn more about the consequences of poor metabolic health… AMP
If you only treat your leaky gut syndrome with medicine alone for more than two years, without any nutritional lifestyle intervention, your metabolic pathways will begin to fail, and your symptoms may develop into a systemic imbalance in your metabolic health such as Crohn’s Disease, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, Diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis, or Celiac Disease.
Your metabolic health is incredibly important. Everyday symptoms related to an imbalance or malfunction relate to either one of in part all three functional metabolic pathways:
If you have been managing common allergens, asthma and skin conditions this is indicative of an underlying pH imbalance within your gut microbiome which is creating a dysbiosis in your gut health
Dysbiosis is when the good and bad bacteria in your microbiome are out of balance, and this is often the first step toward developing a leaky gut.
The most common cause of dysbiosis is a diet that is high in sugar and processed foods as this creates an environment that favours the growth of bad bacteria due to the fermenting sugars and toxins in the food.
A leaky gut is, in short, when the increased intestinal permeability plays a role in allowing particles, containing the bad bacteria and toxins to pass into the bloodstream.
This results in your body’s immune response recognising these allergens as harmful substances and will react instantly with inflammatory type symptoms to tell you something is wrong. Such as allergic rhinitis – so sneezing, blocked or runny nose, itchy rash, chest tightness, shortness of breath, runny eyes, outbreaks on the skin or skin redness like flushing or rosacea, dry flaky skin.
In turn, your body will react to this stress and places inflammatory markers, called cytokines at the tight junction in preparation for the next time these particles are presented to the intestinal lining.
Ultimately, your body simply attempts to safeguard the organs and brain from these harmful particles entering your circulation.
You have so many allergies because once you have a disruption in your intestinal barrier, it is very difficult for your immune system at the tight junctions to identify what is a normally harmless substance compared to and what is a harmful bacteria.
This is why most people with a leaky gut will often have multiple food allergies and sensitivities, as their immune system is in a heightened state of alert and overreacting to many different allergens.
Suppose you have ever wondered why you might be highly sensitive to particular foods or fragrances that others around you are not. In that case, it is likely due to a disruption in the intestinal barrier.
When we make poor dietary and skin product choices or fail to stick to a nutrient-rich diet, the immune system is unable to function as it should due to the constant attack of harmful bacteria.
The result? Autoimmune disorders that spread inflammation throughout your digestive system and an increased risk of chronic diseases.
The body will often give you clues that there is a disruption in your intestinal walls with various symptoms:
Constant autoimmune response to certain foods can interfere with your ability to absorb essential energy and raw ingredients from the food you eat to repair the dysbiosis that caused the inflammation and the gut to leak.
By either not eating enough of the right anti-inflammatory food or consuming ultra-processed foods in excess, you will become deficient in essential nutrients and your body will struggle to reduce the inflammation.
The long term effect of inflammation in your gut is damage to the delicate balance of your microbiome, which can lead to metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, autoimmune diseases, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
So, if you’re someone who suffers from various allergies, such as food sensitivities, hay fever, and skin conditions, it’s important to understand the root cause of those symptoms and address the gut inflammation at the root of it.
The good news is that by taking steps to improve gut health, and then following a nutrient-rich diet you can significantly reduce the symptoms of allergies and improve your overall metabolic health in the process
If you suffer from severe allergies, then it is advisable to seek professional medical attention such as an allergy specialist help to get to the root cause of your allergies and create a tailored gut-healing protocol.
But, if you have mild allergies, then there are a few simple dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to support gut health and reduce inflammation.
In summary, if you are struggling with allergic reactions then you have an increased chance of gut dysbiosis which is exacerbated with the use of over the counter medications to treat your allergies.
The long term consequence of dysbiosis is Leaky Gut Syndrome which leads to inflammation and can cause more serious health problems such as autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease.
Therefore it is essential to remove the sugars and toxins from your food to ensure you create the optimal pH levels in your gut in ensure that when you do enjoy a healthy diet you can absorb the nutrients from the food to improve your gut microbiome.
You should also focus on eating the Perfect Plate for every meal as this will ensure your body has the building blocks it needs to create the good bacteria required for protecting your gut lining.
In conclusion, the best way to reduce your allergic reactions is to focus on balancing your blood sugars, cleansing your liver and improving your gut microbiome.
This will enable you to help regulate your gut microbiome to deliver energy to your cells, detoxify toxins that disrupt your metabolism and create beneficial bacteria to reduce inflammation, therefore, improving your overall metabolic health.
Your severe allergic reactions are related to what you ate yesterday NOT what you ate today.
Breaking the vicious cycle is easy to do by changing what you eat next, reducing the production of cytokines in your gut.
What’s next? What is your metabolic health age – use the online Metabolic Age Calculator and answer a few simple health and lifestyle questions. It takes a few minutes, but it could help you change how you feel in the spring and summer forever.
If your Metabolic Health Age is equivalent to or lower than your actual age, then that is great news! This means your blood sugar levels, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein, (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure and waist circumference are potentially all within an ideal range.
However if your Metabolic Health Age is more than 10 years of your actual age, and you are struggling with severe allergic reactions you could be prone to some or all of these conditions as these are all markers that directly relate to your risk of insulin resistance, fatty liver, dysbiosis, high cholesterol and blood pressure.
This article is part of my WHY series to help you to identify the symptoms of poor metabolic health. Do you often ask yourself any of these…