Why am I Feeling Fatigue All The Time

Why Am I Feeling Fatigue All The Time

Your metabolic health will give you a clue as to why feeling tired all the time

Are you someone for whom constant low energy, unexplained fatigue, and a reduced energy level have become the norm?

Do you have poor sleep quality, low energy, and lack of motivation even on a good day?

Could you fall asleep at any time, and do you need energy drinks to get you through the day, which is starting to impact the quality of your work and family life?

Have you tried everything you can to boost your energy levels with over-the-counter medications or supplements but cannot figure out why you feel tired, and you are starting to think this could be an underlying medical condition?

In this article, I will explain what is happening so you can discover how to break the vicious cycle of poor sleep quality and feeling tired all the time, which affects your health and lifestyle.

You are more likely to suffer from low energy and fatigue due to the poor conversion of the food you eat into energy that can be delivered into your cells to create Mitochondria.

In our busy lives, it can be very easy to attribute sluggishness or a lack of motivation to a host to an underlying health condition such as: stress, mental health issues, hormones and the everyday pressures of work or home life.

While it’s true that these things can influence how we feel within ourselves, constant low energy levels or severe fatigue may, in fact, be a clue or symptom of poor metabolic health.

If you have been managing chronic tiredness and obstructive sleep apnea, this indicates an underlying imbalance within our main metabolic pathways.

Why am I always so tired

One of the main causes of this common symptom is poor conversion of the energy from food into cells to create Mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of every cell in your body, and if they are not getting the energy they need, you will experience fatigue symptoms.

A lack of energy will stop your cells from working at their best, decreasing productivity and motivation.

It may not come as a surprise to you that a poor diet, too much alcohol, too much caffeine and a lack of a good night’s sleep can have a major impact on how your body functions and how you feel as a result.

The mitochondria, often referred to as the cell’s powerhouse, are crucial to energy production. When they perform their job properly, they generate most of the adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, found in our bodies.

ATP is produced via a process known as oxidative phosphorylation, which can only be made possible when nutrients find their way into the mitochondria.

When we make poor dietary choices or fail to stick to a nutrient-rich diet, the mitochondria cannot function as they should.

The result? The lack of energy delivery to cells results in poor sleep quality and chronic fatigue.

 why am I always so fatigued

Why am I always so fatigued?

With that in mind, if you have been experiencing fatigue and unrelenting exhaustion for over two or more years despite using quick energy foods, over-the-counter medication, or supplements, then your metabolic pathways are likely struggling to utilise the energy, absorb the nutrients from the food you eat, and dispose of toxins properly.

When one feels tired all the time and exhausted, the natural reaction is to get a quick fix of energy from caffeine or sugary snacks such as cake, biscuits, or chocolate.

However, these foods will further imbalance your blood sugars and make you feel worse in the long run.

The feelings of fatigue can become a vicious cycle.

When you eat sugary foods, energy drinks or starchy carbohydrates to help you feel more alert, you are actually further depleting your energy levels and creating other symptoms. 

Learn more about the impact of poor blood sugar control…

Due to the quality of the food choices, your metabolic pathways cannot recognise the food as a natural ingredient, and the liver will deem it toxic rather than deliver it to the cells for energy.

This results in low mood, weight gain and brain fog, and as a result of the body not receiving enough energy, it may force you to crave more sugary foods to get more energy.

This creates the vicious cycle of poor sleep quality, sleep disorders due to lifestyle habits, feeling exhausted and the use of certain medications to stay asleep or manage stress or hormones.

These everyday symptoms are clues to various underlying medical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid disorders and rheumatoid arthritis that, along with carrying excess weight and stress, further exacerbate sleep problems.

If you only treat these symptoms with medicine alone for more than a year, without any nutritional lifestyle intervention, your metabolic pathways will begin to fail, and your symptoms may develop into systemic imbalance in your metabolic health.

It is essential to focus on your metabolic health by making lifestyle changes such as following a simple healthy diet plan, introducing relaxing activities, regular exercise, managing stress levels to balance thyroid hormones and getting quality sleep.

Taking care of your metabolic health can improve your energy levels and address unexplained tiredness.

So please don’t ignore the signs of fatigue, as they could be a clue to your body’s need for better metabolic health.

What are the consequences of feeling tired all the time

People with poor mitochondria may experience sleep apnea, muscle fatigue, thyroid problems and fatty liver, which may result in chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

Moreover, people with poor mitochondrial health are also more prone to develop mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression due to the impact on brain function.

They may have trouble focusing, unexplained fatigue, and experience mood swings or irritability.

Overall, poor mitochondrial health can have serious consequences on both physical and mental well-being.

For example, a study published in the journal “PLoS One” in 2016 found that people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were more likely to have mitochondrial dysfunction.

In another study, researchers discovered that people with NAFLD who also had type 2 diabetes were even more likely to have mitochondrial disorders.

These two studies suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction may play a role in the development of both NAFLD and type 2 diabetes.

If you’re struggling with low energy and fatigue symptoms, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor or mental health professional to rule out any underlying health conditions or chronic illnesses.

However, if you are otherwise healthy, you can do some things to support your mitochondria and improve your energy levels.

Some quick and simple diet plan tips:-

  • Enjoy a balanced diet by eating nutrient-rich food, including plenty of fresh vegetables, especially iron-rich foods, lean protein, and healthy fats.
  • Avoid processed foods, sugar, and refined carbs as much as possible.
  • Exercise regularly to address any breathing issues
  • Focus on good sleep hygiene, finish eating 2 hours before bedtime
  • Manage stress levels through relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  • Consider taking a vitamin B complex supplement, as B vitamins are essential for energy production.
  • Try using adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha or Rhodiola to help your body better deal with stress.
  • Take Biochemistry blood test to check quality of red blood cells to identify any iron deficiency or any other nutrient deficiencies.
  • Be reflective of your daily life, record when you feel tired, related to lifestyle factors and other symptoms that could help address the underlying cause and overall fatigue.

The long-term effects of poor mitochondria are that the constant low energy and fatigue can interfere with our ability to complete simple tasks and result in excessive daytime sleepiness or the need for daytime naps.

If you don’t eat enough of the right foods or junk foods regularly, you will become deficient in essential nutrients, and your body will struggle to maintain a good metabolism.

When this happens, instead of relying on mitochondria to create energy, your body will break down muscle mass to make up for what is missing, impacting your sleep cycle.

Problems with feeling fatigued all the time typically ensue, leading to constant low energy levels, nutrient deficiency, and muscle weakness that will drain your physical strength and mental clarity.

In addition to a lack of proper nutrition, chronic stress can also play a significant role in low energy levels.

Stress hormones such as cortisol can disrupt the body’s natural sleep pattern, leading to fatigue and exhaustion.

Furthermore, when we are under stress, our bodies tend to crave unhealthy foods that provide quick bursts of energy, but ultimately contribute to nutrient deficiencies and worsen fatigue symptoms.

It is essential to prioritize a well-rounded diet that includes plenty of nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats.

These foods provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for our bodies to function properly and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.

In summary, when suffering from low energy and chronic fatigue, the quality of your food impacts your ability to generate sustained energy throughout the day.

Consuming a diet rich in whole foods and reducing processed foods, alcohol, and caffeine will help to improve the creation and function of the mitochondria.

This, in turn, will lead to improved energy levels, weight loss, better sleep, the energy to do regular exercise and an overall feeling of wellness.

The long-term consequences of poor delivery of energy to create mitochondria relate to poor metabolic health, which, if left untreated, could lead to various medical conditions such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease and an underactive thyroid.

If you are struggling with low energy and fatigue and want to lose weight, start exercising regularly to improve your metabolic health, and get enough sleep to wake up feeling refreshed, please look at ways to improve your metabolic health rather than a quick sugar fix or caffeinated drinks to get you through the next hour.

In conclusion, the best way to improve energy levels is to balance your blood sugars, cleanse your liver, and improve your gut microbiome.

This will enable you to help regulate your insulin sensitivity and deliver energy to your cells, detoxify toxins that disrupt your metabolism and create beneficial bacteria to reduce inflammation, improving your overall metabolic health.

Your lack of motivation and low energy levels are related to what you ate yesterday, not what you need today.

Changing what you eat next and reducing the bouts of fatigue are easy ways to break the vicious cycle.

What’s next?

Knowledge gives you power, the power to make simple changes today to your food and lifestyle choices that can boost your motivation and willpower to achieve optimum wellness.

Learning how to change what you eat each day with a simple healthy eating plan is the secret to longevity in health.

The Metabolic Diet Plan isn’t just another fad. It’s a comprehensive online course designed for the health-conscious to learn how to reset metabolic pathways by balancing blood sugar to support liver function and optimize your gut health for health and longevity.


Take a look at yourself and regain control of your health and weight today.

Remember, it’s never too late to change for better future health. It only takes a few weeks of positive events, lifestyle choices, and a healthy diet to feel the benefits of a healthier, more energized you.

In the next article, you will learn about why you have mood swings and bouts of anxiety, as your blood sugars also interfere with your happy hormones resulting in a lack of motivation and willpower to be kind to yourself.

This article is part of my WHY series to help you to identify the symptoms of poor metabolic health.

For more information and support on improving your metabolic health, check out my other articles and resources on jenadamsuk.com.

Remember, small changes in your daily routine can make a big difference in how you feel physically and mentally.

Stay tuned for the next article, where we delve deeper into the link between blood sugar levels and mood swings/anxiety.

Keep up the hard work, and let’s continue this journey towards a healthier, happier you!
